Bobby wins Mill Valley art award

From Marin IJ:
The Grateful Dead's Bob Weir has been named one of the five recipients of this year's Milley Awards from the City of Mill Valley Art Commission.
The Milleys, honoring creative achievement in the arts, will be presented at an awards dinner at 5 p.m.Oct. 2 at the Mill Valley Community Center at 180 Camino Alto.
The other honorees are writer Cyra McFadden, arts publicist Martha Hannon, printmaker and fine arts teacher Margaret "Kett" Zegart and Gloria Unti, founder and executive director of the San Francisco Performing Arts Workshop.
Architects Robert Royston and Asa Hanamoto will receive the Sali Lieberman Award. Writer Noah Griffin emcees the evening.
Tickets are $50. Checks may be sent to the Milley Awards, Mill Valley Art Commission, P.O. Box 1029, Mill Valley, CA 94942-1029. Call 721-1906 for information. Please RSVP by Sept. 19.
- IJ report
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