Keelin Garcia Sues Deborah Koons & Attorneys

Here's an article by Nancy Isles Nation that was published in the Marin Independent Journal & the Oakland Tribune:
Garcia daughter sues over lack of support
Nancy Isles Nation
A daughter of the late Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia is suing his widow and several attorneys involved in settling the rock star's estate, saying no one was looking out for her financial interests when the money was distributed.
Keelin Noel Garcia, a 19-year-old college student living in Marin, names Deborah Koons, Garcia's wife when he died in August 1995. She also names attorneys David Hellman, Richard Riede and Neil Moran, all of whom practice in San Rafael, claiming that child support payments that should have been made to her were not allocated properly.
William Romaine, Keelin's Visalia-based attorney, said Jerry Garcia's will clearly states that Keelin's support should be taken care of before the remaining assets were split by beneficiaries.
"Deborah Koons, a trustee, had the highest possible duty to provide it at her expense," Romaine said. "Instead, she profited from it."
Romaine cites the will of Jerome J. Garcia, stating: "After payment of all my debts, my last illness and funeral expenses, and provision for my child support obligations for Keelin Garcia É my executor shall divide and distribute the remainder of my estate."
Romaine said that while the case was in mediation, attorneys for Koons and Keelin's court-appointed guardians came up with a low amount of child support at a time when the estate was making huge amounts of money.
"The trustees are supposed to look after her support," Romaine said.
Hellman, who wrote Garcia's will, said the probate court oversaw the entire process of distributing the estate - valued in 1998 at more than $15 million - and support for Keelin Garcia was covered at the time.
"We'll see where it goes, but it appears those issues were covered in the probate court," he said of the allegations.
Riede and Moran are listed as guardians for Keelin Garcia in her lawsuit.
The estate was admitted to probate in Marin Superior Court in September 1995 and closed in October 2001. Under the will, a third of the estate was given to Koons and the remaining two thirds were shared by Garcia's daughters, brother and friends. Keelin Garcia was allotted one-fifth of the inheritance, like her sisters.
Keelin is Garcia's youngest daughter from his relationship with Menasha Matheson. He had three other daughters: Heather, his oldest, from his first marriage, to Sara Ruppenthal, and Theresa ("Trixie") and Annabelle, from his marriage to Carolyn "Mountain Girl" Adams.
In her lawsuit, Keelin claims the defendants breached their fiduciary duties on her behalf. She asks for unspecified damages. A court hearing is scheduled for March 5.
Garcia died while in a drug rehabilitation facility in Forest Knolls from a heart attack at 53.
photo by Susana Millman, 2006
Dude, I know this is distasteful, but I think I'd bone Jerry's daughter!
I've known Keelin online via a Pearl Jam message board for almost 4 years - she's a very cool person. hope she's doing well these days.
I hope keelin gets all that's coming to her!
I hear through the grapevine that there were some provocative underage photos on said Pearl Jam message board. True?
Eddie Vedder's daughter has Keelin's haircut. Go figure.
i cannot believe the owner of this blog would allow such assinine, small-minded, sexist comments about jerry's daughter to remain here in the comments box. you do a great disservice to his memory and legacy.
people really do suck... more with each subsequent generation. who cares who you want to bone, you idiot! grow up.
Personally, I thought the comments sounded somewhere between Jr. High & FratHouse... But I have a no censorship policy for comments. The world isn't airbrushed and neither is this blog. I really doubt Jerry would give a shit about whether I censor my blog or not. One thing I've found out about not censoring comments: when someone posts something ignorant, someone else is bound to react. You should check out the comments for the National Anthem video I uploaded to YouTube:
They make for an interesting read...
trust me, jerry would mind the fact that someone said such a vile thing about boning his CHILD. see, that's how it is, when you're a parent. you protect your own. it's instinctive.
i get the whole non-censorship ideal-i really do. i am old enough to have adored zappa from the
beginning. even the filthiest songs.
do you have kids? daughters? would it be okay if someone said that about them in your presence? peace to you as well...this just surprised the hell out of me.
Oh...I'm sure he wouldn't be all tickled to hear that about his daughter. I also think he knew how people can be...
for someone who sang
"oh sweet mama
your daddy's got them
deep elem blues" and
"loose lucy is my delight"
as well as having kids with 3 different chicks and probably boned many many others over the years of free love.....jerry would be the first to not throw stones having not lived in a glass house.
i'm sure the young lady can choose how and when and with whom she wants to give her sexuality to!!!
"i get the whole non-censorship ideal-i really do. i am old enough to have adored zappa from the
beginning. even the filthiest songs."
No, you don't get the whole non-censorship ideal. You are forcing your morality on others. This is sort of ironic, since Jerry obviously had very loose moral values himself.
"If she were my daughter I'd...
What would you do Frankie?" - FZ/MOI from "Brown Shoes Don't Make It"
I respect that you are a parent, but don't try to make Jerry or his "legacy" out to be something it is not.
She goes to my school, I talked to her last night actually.
i know keelin garcia and shes a slut. i'm sure she would bone all of you for free.
Does anyone know about a relationship between one of Jerry's daughters and hip-hop artist Del the Funky Homosapien (who is from Oakland, CA)?
wow she definately isn't a slut. i know her, shes probably the sweetest person ever you physco ass fuck. why dont you go jump your own bones, shes so nice. god, stupid frat boys cant get laid.
I hung out with her once.
i'd cum all over her dirty hippy mouth, and while i'm at it, i'd fuck all of you hippies little girls analy just to teach you idiots what censorship is
"yeah... i fuckd herr"
Andrew Dice Clay
Hey Anonymous. I hope you die a long slow death so you have time to reflect on many things, feelings for one, which you have never done. Perhaps AIDS related or maybe bone-marrow cancer. I am usually a nicer guy than this but you really are a sad species of something non human related.
Deborah Koons is a money grubing whore who shouldnt have gotten a fucking dime, His 4 kids deserve it all, when i die my will better be followed to the letter or ill hount them all.
keelin garcia's a fuckin babe.
Keelin, if you read these things, then hello!! We met briefly on 4th Ave. in Tucson, when your hair was purple. Talked about Brent, while walking with mutual friends. This was @ 1994, I was wearng a Janes Addiction shirt, and a purple Phoenix Suns hat, if memory serves me. You made a frind that day. Wpuld love to chat sometime. Peaceout, BOB ps email me ar rsahnojr@ if you like, if not that's cool too!!
I am a hoe and a kunt
gimmie heroin and MONEY!!
Wow! Garcia' he was awesome and I would jump on his bone if I had a chance and as far as a young man saying he would bone his daughter.. I believe Jerry would take that as a compliment.. She is a Beautiful women and if I was a lesbian I might even say the same thing. It is only statements and peoples opinions.
i don't personally know deborah koons garcia, keelin garcia, or any other folks involved. most rock stars end up being shitty parents, unfortunately. please keep in mind that deborah is making movies a lot of people don't want her to make. this contribution to society is huge if we'll take advantage of "the future of food"
Deborah Koons Garcia is the most loathsome, greediest, black-hearted cocksucker ever associated with the Dead. She married him for his money and went nuts with his estate, screwing Jerry's loved ones over, selling/marketing everything about Jerry. And in interviews about Jerry, the only thing this bitch talks about is how much money she's making off his estate. She is a filthy, diseased vampire and her actions over the past 15 years prove it.
I'm just remembering the great music & love I felt among the family.What a great time to be alive.God bless you jerry.Your so very missed!
Deborah Koons GARCIA is a VAMPIRE, not an ANGEL AS Jerry GARCIA WAS...
He married Koons in the last legs of his life when he was probably mentally compromised (no offense Jerry) - diabetes does this to your head, no way around it. Everyone knows Jerry Garcia cared for his families, children especially and would want them to benefit from his life rewards...
ADD --------- Anyone who would forbid a wife or family and esp. children from a FUNERAL SHOULD BE SHOT. iT'S INSECURITY AND GREED! AN INSECURE, SELFISH, CONTROL FREAKS LAST ATTEMPT. SHOT THE BITCH__ no hire someone to put her out of everyone else"s misery. SHE DIDN'T HAVE ANY BABIES WITH HIM.. SHE'S A ZERO.
Deborah Koons is a barren, money- hoarding whore. I hope Keelin got all the money she needs. Koons barred Sarah and Mountain Girl from Garcia's funeral because she is jealous that she was too frigid and rotten to have Garcia's child. You know she would have loved to have the little money tree of child benefits from Garcia if she had been woman enough to bear them by Garcia.
So, what ever happened with Keelin's lawsuit? I have met all the involved after having worked for the Grateful Dead from 1983 to 1996 managing their mail order ticket sales office. Without a doubt Ms. Koons (although her legal last name IS Garcia)has some serious issues...unknown fact is that she and Jerry never actually shared a home together! She claimed that Jerry's MSA agreement with MG was invalid because he was under the influence of drugs...that arguement would mean that her marriage to Jerry was also invalid! I have known and been friends with both MG (Carolyn) and Manasha, and they are both really good people. Of Jerry's children the only one I know well is Trixie and she is just plain awesome! I haven't seen Keelin for about six years and she was always nice and, yes, pretty. I met Heather once at the hospital when Jerry was in a coma. I know Annabelle but haven't seen her in years.
Thank you Jerry
Why would Deborah marry for anything but l-o-v-e? She's a trustfunder from Cincinnati whose dad owned all the P Cola distributorships up & down the Eastern seaboard. JG married big, old $$. Third times the charm; )
Remember children, art+$=life. Now, go get one.
B..b..b.. billion dollar babiez ¤{we go dancing thru the attics of my life}¤ the moon shimmerz with the spilled glitter from unicorn marez...
There came a point reading these comments where I couldn't read any more. I think Jerry would have understood he had an attractive daughter, and would thus be an object of desire to many men, especially those between jr. high and the frat house who were primarily used to masturbating and stating the obvious in such places as this. The obvious being she is attractive and you'd like to fornicate with her, of course.
What Jerry would have had a hard time with here would have been two things. One, is there are those who find it necessary to state the obvious, whether it be about his daughter or anyone that would be a subject of someone's fantasy. It goes without saying, and is a waste of space, and specifically shows no creativity. Second, I think he'd shake his head at one more example of where people don't make much effort to try and get along. Is it so hard to read the comments of someone with nothing better to say than "I'd like to bone her" and just shrug it off as some poor bastard with nothing better to say? Show a little pity for these people. There's a certain sickness that lies within these folks, don't feed it. And let's pray that sickness diminishes somehow and these people are freed of this.
Fuck that. I would have boned Jerry Garcia himself. You can't tell me that his sexy bear body, silver facial hair, strong hands, and inviting eyes and smile didn't turn you the fuck on. I jerk off watching videos of him perform and I'm interesting in meeting similar others.
I am going to play with my moist, smelly balls.
I pulled off all the legs of a daddy long leg spider until all that was left was a white bead of pleasure. I put it in my penis hole, closed my eyes and I could feel it breath.
She got her wingnut moms genes i bet .i used to see her at good earth in fairfax flappin gum about how she was jerrys healer and gossip to all the tour kiddies and they would suck it up
She lives the swill valley fat life like a mt tam turkey buzzard next door to sammy hagar the horrible republicunt.
Hooray for internet lies
Same cheek bones as Jerry
Hey I met Jerry Garcia's daughter once at the Grateful Dead Philadelphia Spectrum Easter Sunday show. She was so sweet and funny. What an amazing show that was, and it is on YouTube! Yeah I so miss Jerry, consider myself very lucky to have seen all the shows that I did.
Not to sound crazy, but Jerry Garcia is still alive.
As my wife and I were on vacation (Oct.2019), driving beyond the tourist areas to see how the locals live, we found a small town where many other famous people own homes, and not planned or interested on seeing a famous person, we had to go to the restroom (seriously), and pulled into a parking lot with a vacation lodge that was under repair (from the year prior flood), restaurant/bar and art gallery that sold coffee.
Trying to beat the heat, and over spending on tourist crap as my wife was looking at the art pieces next door, I proceeded to the bar for a beer and AC. Long story shorter,, the bar didn't have AC, but because we met a couple (from the exact small town I came from) we decided to stay a little longer, and had more drinks with them.
After that visit and the older couple left for the evening, we stayed for dinner before hitting the road ourselves, and to watch "Improv Night" to see random local artists sing, play guitar. That is when I saw Jerry Garcia's daughter perform, sing, while Jerry Garcia and wife (assuming) were sitting, enjoying drinks, and I still don't believe it, Jerry was actually eating ice cream (no joke), eating ice cream in a bar.
I have photos and video's, but because I am grateful of all what Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead left us and understand why he faked his death (he was actually tired of the scene), I remain silence of this exact location and restaurant/bar, that the next time we vacation, for the love of Jerry, we shall soon see him again.
Jerry is alive, Old, but still alive.
Right!I just had to point this out to a creepy 48 yr old man who was acting like he was 20 or 83 yr old pervert. I said let my son call up ypur mother ( home I knew was dead) & ask if she likes big dock...ya jerk off. Keelin was born 8 mo after Jerry's 1st grandson. Yea...we are still out here waiting DNA on the maternal side. I know exactly how the will reads. We need out Garcia dollar...HELLO!! Why did Jerry spend so much time in Florida in the late 80's? He was looking for me. My parents retired near Naples. I ran off during an event & walked right passed him unaware he is my biological father. My mom was on his concert ticket for years & he made it that way until her death. I don't know many persons poker than myself...go figure both my parents Rock Royalty.
Her nephew has his bday today. Joshua Michael is 33 today. We love you.
Agree!! I do not even know her but that is my 1/2 sister that cocksucker is talking about.
Well where is my father then & who was he with? I am Janis's only living. My son Joshua was born this day in 1987 8 mo prior to Keelin. Kanawha knows we are in this world... Joshua Michael looks just like young Jerry. I am Tamara Jo don't you know & his his 1st great grand daughter is identical to Jerry. Go see Tamara Jo don'tcha know on FB
I like to think that Jerry Garcia would get a kick out of all the various forms of mental illness to be found in internet comment sections, like this one. But somehow I don't think he'd be the comment reading type.
Thank you. Well said.
She’s about a mover
Responding to 13 year old comments with an insane, delusional rant. Classy.
Funny how easy it is to bait you. I'd shit in your mouth.
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